Run SAS in Jupyter Notebook

We'll use KM method in PROC LIFETEST to do survival analysis on a subscribers data set, which looks like this:

    censored | start_date | stop_date  | [other columns]    
      0      | 2001-01-01 | 2002-05-01 |

In this notebook, we'll do these:

  • Import the original data to a SAS data set
  • Get the data ready for PROC LIFETEST
  • Do survival analysis on the data
  • Save graphics image files
  • Create an output data set to contain survival estimates as the benchmark against which KMSurvival is measured.

In [ ]:
/* assign datapath pointed to SAS local directory */
libname datapath '/folders/myfolders/';

Import the original data to a SAS data set raw_data

In [ ]:
proc import datafile="/folders/myfolders/censored_start_stop.txt" 
            out=raw_data dbms=tab replace;
In [3]:
* Take a look at the data;
proc sql outobs=5;
   select * from raw_data;
SAS Output

SAS Output

The SAS System

The SQL Procedure

Query Results

user_id market channel start_date stop_date censored
2488577 Market-B Channel-C3 2008-03-28 . 1
2574285 Market-A Channel-C1 2008-05-12 . 1
2565957 Market-B Channel-C2 2008-05-07 . 1
2201921 Market-B Channel-C3 2007-12-11 . 1
2776956 Market-A Channel-C2 2008-09-18 . 1

Get the data ready for PROC LIFETEST

The data should be like this:

    censored | tenure | [other columns]      
      1      |  150   |
In [ ]:
%macro process_data_for_lifetest(input_data, out_data, cutoff);

    *   Prepare data for PROC LIFETEST 
    *   Parameters:
    *   ----------
    *   input_data : SAS data set that will be processed
    *   out_data : SAS data set for PROC LIFETEST
    *   cutoff : cutoff date for input_data

   proc sql;
      create table &out_data as 
         select market, channel, censored, start_date, stop_date, 
            case when censored = 0 and stop_date <= &cutoff 
                 then (stop_date - start_date)
                 else &cutoff - start_date
            end as tenure,            
            case when censored = 0 and stop_date > &cutoff 
                 then 1
                 else censored
            end as status
         from &input_data
         where start_date <= &cutoff;

%process_data_for_lifetest(raw_data, tidy_data, '28Dec2008'd)
In [5]:
* Take a look at the tidy data;
proc sql outobs=5;
   select * from tidy_data 
   order by tenure desc;
SAS Output

SAS Output

The SAS System

The SQL Procedure

Query Results

market channel censored start_date stop_date tenure status
Market-A Channel-C1 1 2007-05-06 . 602 1
Market-A Channel-C1 1 2007-05-06 . 602 1
Market-A Channel-C3 1 2007-05-07 . 601 1
Market-A Channel-C3 1 2007-05-07 . 601 1
Market-A Channel-C1 1 2007-05-10 . 598 1

Do survival analysis on tidy_data

  • Save graphics image files
  • Create an output data set to contain survival estimates as the benchmark against which KMSurvival is measured.
In [6]:
ods listing;
proc lifetest data=tidy_data 
              method=KM                  /* use KM estimator */
              plots=(survival(nocensor)) /* plot survival curve */
              outs=datapath.survival     /* output survival estimates */
   time tenure * status(1);              /* status: 1-censored */
   *strata market;
   *strata market channel;
SAS Output

SAS Output

The SAS System

The LIFETEST Procedure

The LIFETEST Procedure

Stratum 1

Survival Curve

Product-Limit Survival Curve The SAS System 00:02 Monday, November 21, 2016 1 The LIFETEST Procedure Summary of the Number of Censored and Uncensored Values Percent Total Failed Censored Censored 713 255 458 64.24

Censored Summary

Summary of the Number of Censored and Uncensored Values
Total Failed Censored Percent
713 255 458 64.24
In [7]:
* Take a look at the output data set of survival estimates;
proc sql outobs=5;
   select * from datapath.survival;
SAS Output

SAS Output

The SAS System

The SQL Procedure

Query Results

tenure Censoring Flag: 0=Failed 1=Censored Survival Distribution Function Estimate SDF Lower 95.00% Confidence Limit SDF Upper 95.00% Confidence Limit
0 . 1 1 1
1 0 0.99439 0.985122 0.997891
2 0 0.987377 0.975881 0.993412
2 1 0.987377 . .
3 0 0.985973 0.974087 0.992428